uPVC Windows

uPVC Windows West Malling

The Modern Update on the Classic Design

Competitive uPVC Casement Windows Prices!

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uPVC Windows

Our collection of uPVC windows offers a selection of designs and styles that will complement any age and design of home. These uPVC windows don’t just offer your home a great aesthetic they also offer a wide range of performance-boosting practical benefits. Our uPVC windows excel in both form and function.

uPVC windows give your property enhanced security, thermal efficiency and weatherproofing and thanks to the way they are manufactured and the quality of the materials used you can expect these windows to last a lifetime in your West Malling home. Your house won’t just look amazing it will also function at a much higher level.

We boast a wide range of uPVC windows including uPVC casement windows, uPVC tilt & turn windows, uPVC bow and bay windows and uPVC flush sliding windows. Please get in touch with our friendly team of experts today to learn about our full range of uPVC windows and the benefits that they can bring to your home.

uPVC Windows west malling quote
uPVC Windows west malling prices

Benefits of Our uPVC Windows

Easy to Look After

No matter what style of uPVC windows you select you can be confident that they will be a breeze to look after. They won’t need repainting and they will never warp, crack or discolour.

Increased Security

All of our uPVC windows come with top-quality multi-functioning locks, making your West Malling home a more secure place to live.

Abundance of Natural Light

Thanks to the large expanse of glazing that is fitted as standard on all of our uPVC windows your home will benefit from the maximum amount of natural light available.

Thermal Efficiency

Your home will become a warmer place to live in as the double glazing we use has a thermally broken chambered profile that traps heat and reduces cold bridging.


Make your West Malling home completely draught-free with our uPVC windows which are fitted with top-quality weather gaskets.

Stylish Windows

Our uPVC windows are valuable in a wide range of colours. Choose the one that best suits your West Malling home.

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Halo uPVC Windows

One of the most popular brands of uPVC windows, especially our uPVC casement windows. This design comes with a secondary weather seal on the beading, and a 10mm overlap between the outwards sash and the frame also improves weather performance. You can also be assured of amazing thermal efficiency, ensuring that your West Malling home will be kept at a comfortable temperature throughout the year.

This amazing achievement is possible because they have thermal inserts fitted into the reinforcement chamber on these windows, which provides enhanced thermal performance. When you install this brand of uPVC window you can expect to see your energy bills reduce as you will be using less energy to keep your home warm.

These amazing uPVC windows have been awarded a BS6375 wind and water testing certification. The PCE gasket features a weather seal flipper and a glazing pad for better performance, while a wider drainage channel creates a quicker passage to release water to minimise the risk of residue.

Outstanding uPVC Windows

Our windows are considered by many to be some of the best on the market, as they offer an inspiring range of practical benefits as well as an amazing aesthetic. If you would like an enhanced set of uPVC windows you can upgrade to windows that conform to PAS24.

These uPVC windows are available in a wide range of design options, ensuring that no matter whether your West Malling home is modern, contemporary, period or traditional you will be sure to find a set of windows that will be the perfect complement. All of our uPVC windows are fitted with low level weather gaskets for increased weather protection. Multiple chambers are utilised across these profiles to offer increased standards of thermal efficiency, as well as inherent rigidity and robustness.

High Performance uPVC Casement Windows

We provide A+ energy rated casement windows manufactured using the market-leading designs. Our windows are available in a range of styles, all of which will complement any type of home. uPVC outclasses its timber alternative with its durability, sustainability and contemporary aesthetic.

We offer chamfered rebated profiles for panoramic views, allowing stunning views to match the great appearance of the frame. These uPVC casement windows utilise modern techniques to ensure they provide long term performance for your home.

Our windows are accompanied with 10 year guarantee, allowing you to enjoy the peace of mind that comes with high-quality home improvements. With Thermaframe, you’ll be able to benefit from high quality windows that offer lasting quality.

uPVC Windows Prices, West Malling

For more information regarding our uPVC windows, visit our innovative online quoting engine. Here, you can find out about our competitive prices right away.

At Thermaframe, we are always happy to help. Get in touch via our online contact page if you have any questions, a member of our friendly team will be more than happy to help.

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